The health of your smile has an impact on your total body wellness. Medical issues that are present in the body can take a toll on teeth and soft tissue, while severe dental health problems can affect disease diagnosis and blood pressure. This relationship is especially apparent regarding sleep apnea and dentistry.
If you’re wondering how dentistry plays into treatment for sleep apnea, consider the following about your oral health and physical wellbeing:
Teeth Grinding
Soft tissue collapse at the back of the throat causes obstructive sleep apnea, which closes airways and brings patients out of deep sleep several times throughout the night. When this happens, it’s common for many patients to begin grinding their teeth in an attempt to change jaw position and potentially open airways.
While teeth grinding is common and may not seem like a serious dental problem, flattened dental enamel affects patients’ ability to chew. Teeth that have been compromised after a lifetime of grinding will need to be restored or even replaced entirely if damage is significant.
Jaw Alignment
The position of your jaw is important for your comfort and wellbeing. Patients with an overbite, underbite, or cross bite place uneven stress on different parts of their smiles, often requiring orthodontic intervention. But jaw alignment is also important for your ability to breathe easily while you sleep. Patients whose jaw arches are not ideally positioned commonly experience the soft tissue collapse that causes sleep apnea. A severe overbite can increase patients’ risk for sleep breathing issues, as the bottom jaw arch is more likely to move back toward the throat while relaxed.
Dental Solutions to Sleep Apnea
There are many ways Dr. Gurman can alleviate sleep apnea symptoms; they can recommend restorations to change the height of worn-down teeth, thereby creating better bite alignment. In severe cases, and when a specialist diagnoses your case of sleep apnea, Dr. Gurman can provide oral appliances. These devices are made to hold the jaw in proper position, preventing blockages that cause disrupted nighttime breathing.
At Alpine Dental Center, Dr. Gurman and his team provide customized dental treatment for sleep apnea patients. If you have questions about how we can help you breathe easier and enjoy better dental health, contact our office today!