Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What are the Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures?

What are the Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures?
If you have suffered total tooth loss, through injury or other dental condition, it can negatively impact your appearance, health, and feeling of wellness. Implant-supported dentures change smiles and attitudes for many by providing the following benefits:
A primary concern for many who require dentures is the appearance of their restoration. Will the teeth look real? What will it do to your smile? Implant-supported dentures use the latest technology in aesthetic and restorative dentistry to replace lost teeth and restore facial balance for a remarkable smile makeover.
Improved Functionality

Implant-supported dentures are superior in design and implementation. Implant-supported dentures remain firmly rooted in bone, offering greater functionality in everything from chewing to speaking; your teeth are held in their optimal position at all times. In general, implant-supported dentures offer greater stability to the wearer.
Better Oral Health

Most individuals with dentures acquired them because of past oral health issues that caused tooth loss. Traditional dentures are supported by your gums and, over time, can wear down these soft tissues, contributing to further oral health issues. Implant-supported dentures rely on implants to provide structure, so there is no stress or pressure placed on gums. Implants also provide steady stimulation to the jawbone, helping combat future bone loss and therefore tooth loss. Implant-supported dentures improve your oral health by providing bone stimulation that was lost when organic teeth were lost.
Long-Term Maintenance

Long-term maintenance with implant dentures is a breeze compared to traditional dentures. Depending on your recommended treatment, implant dentures may be removed each day for cleaning or fixed to be removed by your dentist during routine oral health appointments. No more messy denture paste or soaks. You can treat your implant teeth more like your own, real teeth.
If you have more questions about implant-supported dentures, please don't hesitate to contact Alpine Dental Center for more information about how this restorative procedure can help improve your oral health.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How All-Porcelain Treatment Has Changed Cosmetic Dentistry

If you have teeth that have been damaged cosmetically and structurally by moderate to severe decay, traditional treatments offered could either be aesthetically appealing or strong and long-lasting. However, these two qualities were often mutually exclusive, preventing patients from getting the best of both worlds. However, in the last decade or so, materials used in dental restorations – such as blends of porcelain, ceramic, and leucite – have made getting restorations that are both beautiful and strong a reality.

At Alpine Dental Center, we help you achieve the smile you want, as well as lasting oral function, with all-porcelain restorations. All-porcelain cosmetic dentistry provides:

Improved Strength and Durability – While porcelain fused to metal prosthetics were once the standard for strong, long-lasting restorations, upgrades in materials and bonding processes for all-porcelain crowns and bridges have made these cosmetically appealing treatments much more durable. Modern, all-porcelain restorations now stand up better to the daily oral function of biting and chewing, and can even be utilized for patients who grind their teeth. Patients who choose the aesthetic benefits of all-porcelain treatments can expect their restorations to last much longer, and look more natural than metal-based crowns and bridges.

Natural-Looking Finished Results – Prosthetics with a metal base don’t age as beautifully as all-porcelain restorations. As gum tissue may recede slightly as you age, metal restorations reveal a silver or dark edge, making your restored teeth look less natural and causing embarrassing aesthetic issues. All-ceramic crowns and bridges will more like your own teeth for as long as they’re a part of your smile

Conservative Application Processes -  Crowning a damaged tooth with a metal-based dental crown requires the preparation or removal of much of your natural tooth structure. While this is not an issue for patients with significantly damaged teeth, it may not always be the best choice for those whose teeth are only moderately affected by decay. Placing an all-porcelain crown does not require the removal of the same amount of tooth enamel, and particularly saves structure along the outer side walls of teeth. As keeping as much of your own natural tooth structure as possible is essential for preserving teeth, the conservative treatment processes for applying all-porcelain crowns helps patients maintain better oral health.

If you’re seeking cosmetic dental treatment to correct flaws and damage to your teeth, your treatment should be as long-lasting and beneficial to your oral health as it is cosmetically appealing. For more information about all-porcelain crowns, contact our Thornton CO cosmetic dental office for your consultation.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Why Treat Dental Emergencies Immediately

If you chip or crack a tooth, it seems obvious that seeking care as soon as possible is important for restoring and repairing your teeth. But there are other emergency dental scenarios, such as bleeding gums or painful teeth that can create serious problems for your overall wellness if not treated immediately. If you suspect that something may be wrong with your smile, it’s essential to call our Thornton dental office as soon as possible.

By getting emergency dental care as soon as possible, you can prevent a number of dental problems, including:

Discomfort – Depending on what the emergency is, oral health trauma can put patients in a fair amount of pain. Knocked-out teeth, chipped teeth, tooth infections, and other damage leaves oral structures irritated and sore. The best way to get relief from pain is to apply an ice pack and see a dentist immediately.

Limitation of Oral Function – Beyond being uncomfortable, many dental emergencies make it hard to eat, drink, chew, and speak. Accidents that result in damaged dental work, like a broken denture or crown, limit your ability to carry out daily routines such as eating meals and speaking without a lisp. Repairing dental appliances and replacing avulsed teeth is the best way to regain strength and function.

Further Damage – Left untreated, oral health problems arising from emergency dental concerns only cause more issues. Tooth infections spread and malfunctioning or broken dental appliances can damage nearby teeth and irritate soft tissue. It’s important to not give these urgent situations the opportunity to compromise the wellbeing of otherwise healthy teeth and structures.

Infection – Something that starts off as a small problem, like bleeding gums, can turn into a big issue before you know it. While many people may not think of early signs of gum disease as a dental emergency, patients that ignore their symptoms and neglect treatment for far too long can develop serious periodontitis, abscesses, and tooth loss. If you are showing any signs of soft tissue problems, seek care as soon as possible to avoid serious infection.

Our dental office has the tools and technology to effectively treat your emergency dental problem. For immediate care in the event of an emergency, contact Dr. Gurman and his team. We are proud to provide caring emergency dental treatment in Thornton, Colorado.