Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What are the Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures?

What are the Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures?
If you have suffered total tooth loss, through injury or other dental condition, it can negatively impact your appearance, health, and feeling of wellness. Implant-supported dentures change smiles and attitudes for many by providing the following benefits:
A primary concern for many who require dentures is the appearance of their restoration. Will the teeth look real? What will it do to your smile? Implant-supported dentures use the latest technology in aesthetic and restorative dentistry to replace lost teeth and restore facial balance for a remarkable smile makeover.
Improved Functionality

Implant-supported dentures are superior in design and implementation. Implant-supported dentures remain firmly rooted in bone, offering greater functionality in everything from chewing to speaking; your teeth are held in their optimal position at all times. In general, implant-supported dentures offer greater stability to the wearer.
Better Oral Health

Most individuals with dentures acquired them because of past oral health issues that caused tooth loss. Traditional dentures are supported by your gums and, over time, can wear down these soft tissues, contributing to further oral health issues. Implant-supported dentures rely on implants to provide structure, so there is no stress or pressure placed on gums. Implants also provide steady stimulation to the jawbone, helping combat future bone loss and therefore tooth loss. Implant-supported dentures improve your oral health by providing bone stimulation that was lost when organic teeth were lost.
Long-Term Maintenance

Long-term maintenance with implant dentures is a breeze compared to traditional dentures. Depending on your recommended treatment, implant dentures may be removed each day for cleaning or fixed to be removed by your dentist during routine oral health appointments. No more messy denture paste or soaks. You can treat your implant teeth more like your own, real teeth.
If you have more questions about implant-supported dentures, please don't hesitate to contact Alpine Dental Center for more information about how this restorative procedure can help improve your oral health.

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