Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tips for Optimal Oral Healthcare

Having a healthy smile begins a daily oral care routine and biannual dental visits for necessary checkups. Keeping your smile healthy between dental appointments is essential to maintaining its function and beauty. Here are some tips on maintaining a quality oral healthcare routine:

Brushing and Flossing Daily

Proper oral hygiene involves brushing when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Using a soft bristled brush and dentist-recommended toothpaste protect your dental enamel while effectively removing plaque and debris from eating and drinking. It is essential to brush your teeth for two minutes straight, with at least five seconds on each tooth. This ensures each one is brushed and cleaned.

Gum health is an essential part of your oral health. Floss at least once a day, but it doesn't hurt to floss more when food gets caught in your teeth. This step is vital for removing debris stuck between teeth. If these particles are not removed, they can harden into tartar and cause tooth decay or gum disease.

Massage Your Gums

Aside from flossing to keep your gums healthy, massaging your gums can help promote blood circulation. If you have gum disease, massaging the gums can help the tissue repair itself more efficiently. Do so by gently pressing these spaces with an extra soft toothbrush, press between your tooth and gum. This should be done throughout your smile for two minutes on each side, twice daily.

Combat Bad Breath

Bacteria in the smile cause bad breath. Mouthwash is a great tool to remove bacteria that cause bad breath. Choose a non-alcoholic mouth rinse in your favorite flavor to boost fluoride levels and protect dental enamel from decay. However, bacteria can still accumulate on the surface of the tongue and produce unappealing smells. Brush your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and inside cheeks to ensure your entire mouth is clean.

Need Expert Dental Care? Contact Alpine Dental Center for Family Dentistry

Having a healthy smile begins with caring for it daily at home. Visiting our dental office every six months will ensure you receive a professional cleaning and an assessment of your oral health. For more information about optimal oral health care, contact Alpine Dental Center today!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for sharing on this very nice and wonderful tips with us, I am sure your idea is more useful for me to keep my child teeth strong and healthy. WinWinDentalGmbH
